Western Australia: Secondary Assistance Scheme
The Secondary Assistance Scheme is available to parents and guardians of homeschooled kids in Western Australia who would be in years 7-12 if they attended a traditional school.
The scheme seeks to help parents meet the cost of purchasing books and other education supplies.
To be eligible for the payment the student must be registered for home education with an education office. The parent or guardian must hold a Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession Card. Children’s concession cards that have been issued for medical purposes are excluded.
The payment includes a $115 clothing allowance and a $235 educational program allowance.
Applications must be submitted to the Schools Resourcing Branch by the last day of term one. A new application must be submitted each year. You can contact the department at student.allowances@education.wa.edu.au or on (08 9264 4516).
Application forms are available at education offices.
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