Local Homeschool Groups in the Newcastle Region

Hunter Home Educators & Home Schoolers


Hunter Home Educators and Home Schoolers welcomes current homeschoolers of all types from the Hunter Valley region.

Members are encouraged to be respectful of each other and participate in discussions.

The group is very active on Facebook, but does not have a website or email contact. Please send us an email if you do not use Facebook but would like to connect with this group and we will put you in touch.

Secular Lake & Hunter Home Ed


Secular Lake and Hunter Home Ed welcomes all kinds of homeschooling families from across the Secular Lake and Hunter regions.

The group’s focus is on respect and tolerance for different viewpoints.

The group is very active on Facebook, but does not have a website or email contact. Please send us an email if you do not use Facebook but would like to connect with this group and we will put you in touch.

Upcoming trips


Sydney Region


Central Coast Region