Local Homeschool Groups in the Melbourne Region

Coburg Co-Op

Coburb Co-Op is small co-op for kids aged 6-16.

They are always looking for committed homeschooling families who are interested in helping to support this fun, exciting, collaborative learning experience.

They expect everyone in the group to behave in a respectful manner, follow instructions and look after each other. Parents must ensure that their kids follow the guidelines.

They are a non-religious group that aims to be respectful and inclusive of many different beliefs and life-styles.

The co-op coordinators are all volunteers. We ask that all regular members have a WWCC and be members of HEN.

Siblings and extended family are very welcome and have their own space to play and/or read.

The club meets most Mondays during the school term, and runs between 10am-3pm.

Port Melbourne

Homeschool Co-Op

Port Melbourne Homeschool Co-op meets every Monday from 10:30-2:00 at Tucker Avenue, Port Melbourne.

It is aimed at children aged between 4 and 10.

Specialist teachers visit each week to run activities based on STEM, art, music, drama, nature study etc. This is followed by free play.

The aim of the co-op is to build long term relationships and support each other's homeschooling journey.

Inner-City Homeschoolers

Everyone is welcome to join this diverse group of home educating families.

They meet every Tuesday from 1pm until 5pm at Quarrie’s Park, which is at the Eastern end of Ramsden Street in Clifton Hill.

Quarry’s Park offers a wooden play structure with a giant slide, playing fields, a skate park, bbqs, picnic tables, shelters, a toilet block, access to public transport and a great view of Melbourne’s skyline.

Come along and make some new friends!

For details please contact Tom Van Sebille at tom@bogpuzzle.com

Peninsula Wildthings

Peninsula Wildthings is a social group of home educating families.

They meet weekly, on Mondays, at different locations, mostly on the Mornington Peninsula. They favour natural and bush settings, beaches and parks, but sometimes enjoy organised activities. Their nature walks are usually suitable for all ages and abilities, due to the number of younger kids who participate.

For more details please contact Alison on 0459 980 973

North West Learning Network

North West Learning Network is based in Sunbury. The group welcomes home educators from Melbourne’s north, west and surrounding regions.

Activities are an eclectic mix, including learning days, creating days, social days and wandering days.

The Network runs events, park meets, incursions and excursions covering a wide range of interests, hobbies and educational topics. Events are open to all members of the home school community who wish to attend.

The network’s co-op is membership based and meets weekly on Thursdays, between 1:00pm and 4:00pm. It is suitable for those who like more structure and can commit to weekly group meetings. Lessons are run by members and everyone pitches in to make it work. A fee is paid up-front per term to cover room hire.

For more information please contact nthwestlearningnet@yahoo.com

Port Melbourne Homeschool Co-Op

This co-op is aimed at children aged between four and ten years old.

The group meets once a week, on Mondays from 11:00-2:00pm. Specialist teachers visit each week to run activities based on STEM, art, music, drama, nature study etc. The activities are followed by free play.

All parents are expected to remain on site and supervise the children. Older and younger siblings are welcome, but activities are aimed at kids aged between four and ten.

The cost of membership is $170-$180 per term, per family.

For more information please contact Shweta on 0450 750 503.

Homeschool Gamers @ Fortress

Join us at Fortress Melbourne every month from midday until 4pm for an afternoon of gaming, laughing and making new friends!

The event is fully interactive – with kids encouraged to bond over their shared love of gaming.  They can play with and against each other and have opportunities to cheer each other on. 

It is suitable for all ages, but everyone needs to have a ticket, even if they are not playing.

The package includes two hours of PC gameplay, using premium, high powered gear from Alienware, and two hours of console gameplay in VIP booths.

There’s a tavern for the parents, if gaming isn’t your thing.  Or you’re welcome to play too.

Tickets include lunch and drinks for all players and spectators.  Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements. 

If there is enough interest, we would love to keep running this a monthly event.  We recognise that not everyone is interested in park meet ups and there aren’t a lot of opportunities for homeschool kids who would rather kick a virtual ball than a real one.  We hope to form a community around gaming so that everyone has a chance to make friends and talk about their interests without feeling judged. So come along and let’s build a community!

Upcoming trips


Geelong Region