Local Homeschool Groups in the Warrnambool Region

Warrnambool & Surrounds Homeschoolers Group

The Warrnambool & Surrounds Homeschoolers Group is a support group for homeschooling families in Warrnambool and South Western Victoria.

The group’s only rule is that everyone be accepting of others. Discrimination or exclusion because of a difference in belief, lifestyle, background, etc is not tolerated. If you cannot be open minded this is not the group for you.

Anyone currently homeschooling is welcome to join, even if their child is at school part-time. Members also welcome people who are looking for information about homeschooling.

People from all faiths are welcome, but the group is not based around religion. Religious discussion, whether pro or anti, is not considered appropriate.

The group is very active on Facebook, but does not have a website or email contact. Please send us an email if you do not use Facebook but would like to connect with this group and we will put you in touch.

Upcoming trips


Wodonga Region


Mildura Region